
Meet Levi!

by erin

When we bought our house last spring, I was excited.  Not to be a homeowner, or for the fact that we got a great deal and bonus cash from the government (thanks, crappy economy!), or that our house was just redone and is fabulous (which it was and it is), but because house + yard = DOG.  I adore our two naughty kitties so much, but you can't put a leash on a cat and walk it around the block.  Trust me.  I tried.

We were originally going to wait until next summer to get a dog, until after graduation and the bar exam.  I joked with Ryan that the first anniversary was really the dog anniversary, not paper (ha! I'm funny) but he was slightly more hesitant than I.  So last week when he hinted that he might be ready for a dog sooner rather than later, I jumped at the crack in his resolve.  One thing led to another, and yesterday we came home with this darling pooch.


He's a puggle - pug/beagle mix - but a bit more beagle than pug, which is why he's on the bigger side.

It was love at first sight.  This darling pup is one year old, and full of love and excitement.  He loves giving kisses, chasing squirrels, and exploring.  The cats are not terribly impressed with him, but they're coming around and soon I think they'll be best friends (or will at least be able to tolerate one another).

I mean, SERIOUSLY.  Who can resist this face?!?!

We got Levi from a rescue organization, which I highly, strongly encourage.  There were so many sad, homeless pets at the adoption yesterday, and so many more out there that need homes.  Don't shop - adopt!


Traycina said...

He's so cute! I hope to meet him soon!!!

Anonymous said...

He's awesome! Congrats fur-mom & fur-dad! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for dogs - and for Homeward Bound! Pretty sure our dog hunt was similar, too. Once the husband even hinted at being ready, I was ON IT.

Lindsay said...

ohh cute puppy!!! Question about the new home owner thing.... did u get your money right away?

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