Minnesota is a funny place. One day Minneapolis is named the gayest city in America, and the next day we're voting on a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. We're named the most hipster state in the country, but that's only because we're drunks who google "thrifty hipster" (a local happy hour database) a lot. Minneapolis is the #1 bicycling city in America, but we only like bicyclists if they're not in our lane when we're trying to drive somewhere, damnit!
But the funniest thing about Minnesotans are their two absolute favorite topics of conversation: the weather and potholes. I'm totally guilty of this, and to be fair, both things are seriously obnoxious. So when I saw these ideas for prettying up potholes, I was totally on board.
Like this Paris artist, who filled her city's potholes with colorful braided yarn:
or this artist, who planted flowers in London potholes:
Which is your favorite?
pretty pothole ideas courtesy of a cup of jo
i love the flowers, but would hate to see them run over...so i say the yarn is my fave!
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