
cat, bar, squash, i'm tired

by erin

To explain my recent absence, let me just tell you about the hot mess that was last week.

Ryan put a new back door in our house, with help from my dad, while my mom and I painted three colors of green on our bedroom walls for purposes of color-testing. As of today, the door is in but there is still a lot of all of the trim work to be done, which means my house is looking quite classy, with the visible insulation and plastic and whatnot. Also, there are still random spots of green all over my bedroom. Mess and clutter do not bode well for me and my ocd. Stress + anxiety.

Ryan and I were en route to Home Depot when I checked my email and saw that my parents had decided to put my childhood cat to sleep the next day. I bawled my way through the store, and then we went to their house where I said goodbye to my sweet Francis. I barely slept that night. Sadness + depression.

Francis left the world.
If you've read my blog for any period of time, you probably know that I am a big animal lover, and I am near obsessed with my own pets. We always had animals growing up, and I loved them all more than I can even express. Francis was no exception.
We got him in 1995 (or so) when my family saw a 'free kittens' sign, and went over "just to look" (yeah right) and there was Francis. We thought he was a girl for several months after we got him (sorry Fran!), so when parents let my older sister name him, she chose Frances Bean (she was pretty big on Nirvana in those days - you know, because of the world-renowned grunge scene in Apple Valley, MN - and we all just went with it). When we discovered he was a boy, we decided to stick with Frances, with just one little letter change.
Francis was our kitty from day one. He was sweet, loving, and was immediately a mama's boy. He was full of kitty energy and discovered pretty quickly that if he stood on his back feet on the kitchen counter, he could get into the cupboards - and the cat treats. All he needed to be happy was a warm lap and a head scratch. I'll miss him so, so much.
So that was Tuesday. I cried all day. Glee wasn't great. The Biggest Loser wasn't great. Sadness all around.

I was still on a kitty hangover, and was nervously awaiting my bar exam results, which were mailed out that day and were to be posted the following morning at 9am. Sadness + anxiety.

I got to work early so I could get at least some work done if the worst happened and I needed to go home and lay in bed and eat my feelings and cry all day. The list went up early. I almost barfed all over my keyboard.
Thankfully...the BEST happened. I passed the bar!!!!!!!!
Excitement + relief!

I was just...tired. Exhausted from the roller coaster week.

Went to my in-laws. Yep.

And now I have these on my front steps:
Two giant hubbard squashes, straight from the in-laws' garden. HELP. I had never even heard of these before this weekend, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with them.

And there you have it. I'm hoping for some calm in the weeks ahead.
Happy Monday!


Jamie said...

Oh I never know what to do with squash either. I always go to weheartit.com and mimmick something from their pretty pictures :) Watch out.... they go bad really quickly (not for a long time, but when it happens, it happens fast)

Jessica said...

Wowza! Sounds bad and good and it's just a lot! Have yourself a nice little glass of wine tonight and cheers to a new week!

melissa oholendt said...

Part 1: I'm so sorry about Francis. I can't even think about losing our dog and I'm pretty sure if Gunnar was a cat I would feel the same. :)

Part 2: HOORAYYYYYY! YES TO THE BAR! You dominated!! SO thrilled for you! xoxo

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